Holy Trinity-Bethlehem Presbyterian Church

Make Your Donation

Help support the work of our church

You can now make a secure online donation from this page.
Use the “Give Now” button to access our secure online portal. Please use the “notes” box to indicate which fund you are contributing to (e.g., annual fund [include your envelope number if you have one], Per Capita Giving, One Great Hour of Sharing, etc.).
You can make donations four ways: 

  • Click on the "Give Now" button
  • Mail to: 1100 West Rockland Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141
  • Via the GivePlus+ mobile app (Android) (IOS)
  • Drop in our mail box

Safe and secure!

In God’s design, our ministry only flourishes through the generous donations of people like you.

Online giving is processed by Vanco, a secure third-party payment site where you can make a one-time or recurring contribution thru your checking or saving account, or credit or debit card.

Click the link below for Holy Trinity-Bethlehem Presbyterian Church's' Donation page.